Test Leben in Deutschland (LiD) – bei Berlinek auch für externe Teilnehmer*innen

Berlinek reagiert auf die aktuell große Nachfrage nach dem Test Leben in Deutschland und bietet nicht nur eigenen Kursteilenehmer*innen die Testdurchführung an. Auch wenn Sie keinen Integrationskurs absolviert haben, können Sie bei uns den Test LiD ablegen. Wir empfehlen aber auch den sog. Orientierungskurs zu buchen, denn hier lernen Sie Wissenswertes, Interessantes und Spannendes über Geschichte, Kultur und Politik Deutschlands und werden bestens auf den Test LiD vorbereitet. Mehr Informationen zu Teilnahmebedingungen und zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier: Prüfungen / Test Leben in Deutschland / Termine  Oder Sie schicken uns Ihre Anfrage direkt und bequem über das Kontaktformular .  


Die Blätter fallen, die Tage werden kürzer-der Herbst ist da. Auch wir brauchen mal eine Pause für schöne Herbstspaziergänge durch den Wald. Deswegen haben wir in der ersten Ferienwoche vom 12.10.20-16.10.2020 an unseren beiden Standorten keine Sprechzeiten. In dringenden Fällen kann man uns jedoch auch in den Ferien über post@berlinek.de erreichen. Ab dem 19.10.2020 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie da. Wir wünschen Ihnen eine erholsame und sonnige Zeit 🙂

New German courses starting in August

Due to high inquiry, we have extended our offer of integration courses to the afternoon courses. In August courses for beginners (A1.1) as well as for pre-intermediate (A2.2) students start in our school. There are still places available. To get more information, just come to our school within our opening hours (Monday & Tuesday, from 10 am till 2 pm or Wednesday & Thursday, from 2 pm till 9 pm). We are looking forward to meeting you!  

Berlinek zeigt digitale und reale Präsenz!

Unsere im Bereich Integrationskurs angebotenen Online-Tutorials haben viel Zustimmung und großen Zulauf erfahren und sind bereits in die zweite Runde gegangen. Die dabei gemachten Erfahrungen in der digitalen Welt haben alle Beteiligten weiter gebracht und nicht nur auf der methodischen und technischen Ebene bereichert.

Nach der erfolgreichen Rückkehr vieler unserer individuellen Programme in den Präsenzunterricht, führen wir seit Anfang Juni ausgewählte Integrationskurse mit den jeweiligen Abschlusstests DTZ und LiD unter Beachtung der erforderlichen Hygieneregeln und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu Ende (zeitlich versetzt, in kleinen Gruppen, vor und teilweise während der Sommerferien).

Für die schulische Sommerpause haben wir zudem neue spannende Programme für Kinder und Jugendliche konzipiert: das Englisch Tagescamp und den Workshop Lesen und Schreiben in Deutsch (zu finden unter Programme für Kinder und Jugendliche) .

So haben wir im August nach der Sommerpause eine gute Ausgangsposition für die Weiterführung unserer vielfältigen Programme. Und sowohl unsere kleinen als auch großen Schüler*innen werden von uns gleichermaßen kreativ und mit tollem Lerneffekt durch die „Ferien“ geführt.

Natürlich hoffen wir, dass die Corona-Pandemie, wenn nicht gebannt, zumindest noch besser im Griff ist und uns weitere Lockerungen das Unterrichten und Leben erleichtern werden!


We are there for you again!

The office of Berlinek has opened its door again!
With reduced opening hours ( Monday & Tuesday 10:00a.m.-2:00p.m. and Wednesday & Thursday 2:00p.m. – 6:00p.m.) as well as in compliece with hygienic measures we are there for you again!
Although many programs still take place online, classroom learning is slowly coming back : first the inndividual programs can now be also performed in our school.

We are looking forward to seeing you!



LTS exams at Berlinek

Your exam has been cancelled? Come to Berlinek! All LTS exams (TOEIC, TOEFL, WiDaF, TFI) can be still taken in our school. We make each appointment individually. The exams take place in compliance with all hygienic measures. More information hier. Send us your inquiry: contact.

Aus dem Leben unserer Online- Kurse

„Wunderbar, toll und eigentlich typisch Berlinek, dass  – WIR – das alles in so kurzer Zeit GEMEINSAM auf den Weg bringen konnten!“ –RK

Dieser Satz beschreibt wunderbar die aktuelle Stimmung bei Berlinek: Wir sind stolz und glücklich, weil wir innerhalb weniger Wochen fast das gesamte (!) Bildungsangebot von Berlinek in den Online-Modus umgestaltet haben und unsere Programme virtuell weiter realisieren können. Nach der Verunsicherung und Sorgen Anfang März, haben wir uns zusammengesetzt, die technischen und methodischen Unterrichtsmöglichkeiten geprüft, uns in diversen Webinaren fortgebildet und dann haben wir die Ärmel hochgekrempelt und mit dem Know-How unserer engagierten Lehrkräfte tolle Online-Kurse aufgestellt. Ob individueller Einzelunterricht, Firmenkurse oder aber auch die geförderten Programme, wie Lernförderung und neulich auch die ergänzenden Gruppenkurse für unsere Teilnehmer*innen der Integrationskurse: Unsere Lehrer*innen geben ihr Bestes, um den Unterricht attraktiv und so nah wie möglich am Präsenzunterricht zu gestalten.

Hier einige Einblicke in die verschiedenen Online-Tutorien:

Good news in bad times

On the contrary to many negative headlights during the last few weeks, we have some positive news on our school-life! I have finally been able to start some projects for which it is difficult to find time in our busy daly schedule – and now the actions bear fruits: In the last weeks we rapidly started peformin our online courses. Not only do the participants of individual programs benefit from the possibility to lear online, but also tutoring has been taking place in online classroom snce last week. Over 60 programs have turned into digital way. Additionally, the participants of our funded Integration courses have recieved a new online offer: Berlinek’s teaching conception for suplementary online lessons has been accepted by the Feder Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)! The new program will start shortly!  

Tutoring does online!

Within one week after having received  green light from Berlin Senat for performin tutoring programs digitally, over 30 groups switched into online lessons. We are very happy that the students of Katharina-Heinroth-Grundschule and Robert-Jungk-Oberschule have been ablo to enjoy again their additional classes, even when from a distance. Thanks to very motivated engagement of our teachers, we are able to bring our students a bit of school-experience back, before wee meet again in a traditional classroom with a board and a chalk. Your child takes part in our tutoring programs and you would like to try our online option? Contact us now! Our coordinator is there for you: Email: ewa.urbanik@berlinek.de Phone: 0151 176 50 669  

Integration courses during coronavirus time

In the circular letter from the 18th of March 2020, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) recommends closing integration courses for further two weeks.

Therefore,  our integration courses in both locations (Charlottenburg and Reinickendorf) do not take place till presumably the 19th of April 2020 (Friday).

Lessons during coronavirus time

We do not remain indifferent to current difficult situation with coronavirus.

In the descriptions of each program you will find information if and in which form the courses take place.

From now on, individual programs can take place online.

Integration courses during coronavirus time

Individual programs during coronavirus time

In-company courses during coronavirus time

Tutoring during coronavirus time

Tutoring in Berlin state schools

Registration for Summer Courses for Children and Teenagers during coronavirus time

Professional coaching during coronavirus time

In case of any quesions, please contact us.


It is not too late to make New Year’s resolutions!

Few places are still available in our Integration Course, which start on the 16th of March 2020 in our school in Charlottenburg. The courses takes place from Mondays until Fridays, from 09:00am to 01:15pm.

So be brave and start learning German now! Maybe, at the end of the course not only will you be able to speak a new language, but also you will have made new lifetime friendships.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Get to know Berlinek:

Few places are still available in our Integration Course, which start on the 16th of March 2020 in our school in Charlottenburg.
The courses takes place from Mondays until Fridays, from 09:00am to 01:15pm.

So be brave and start learning German now! Maybe, at the end of the course not only will you be able to speak a new language, but also you will have made new lifetime friendships.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Get to know Berlinek:

Opening hours during winter holidays

Due to winter holidays, from the 3rd of February till the 7th of February 2020, opening hours in our schools are shortened.

We are there for you at the following times:

Headquarters in Berlin Charlottenburg:

Monday – Thursday
10:00a.m.- 06:00p.m.
Friday:  10:00a.m.- 05:00p.m.

Branch in Reinickendorf:

Monday – Thursday 11:00a.m.- 06:00p.m.

Evening German courses (06:00p.m. – 09:15p.m.) take place as usual.

Individual programs upon consultation.

We wish you restful winter holidays!

B1+ German course

You have passed B1 exam after integration course and you are not sure what next?
We have a perfect course for you! B1+ German course will help you ground your German knowledge, clarify all your questions
and prepare you for German B2 course.

More information here:

B1+ German course

Back in Maarer Str. 48!

On the 23rd of December Berlinek left Wallenroder Str. so that , after half a year after beginning of the construction works, we can move to our new beautiful schoolhouse in Maarer Str. 48.
At the moment we are preparing all the rooms there for you and are looking forward to seeing you there from the 6th of January 2020.

From 23.12.2019 to 03.01.2020 no courses take place there are there are no office hours.

From the 6th of January 2020 we are again for you in Marrer Str. 48, 13435 Berlin:

Monday + Wednesday: 11:00a.m. – 3:30p.m.
Tuesday + Thursday: 11:00a.m. – 7:00p.m.

Our school in Berlin Charlottenburg, Dahlmannstr. 1A is from the 2nd of January 2020 open at its usual times:

Monday – Thursday: 9:00a.m. – 7:00p.m.
Friday: 9:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.

Berlinek Team wishes you a happy New Year!

Our memories on the fall of the Berlin Wall

The 9th of November 1989 began for the Berliners as a usual working day. The weather forecast said it would be a rainy day with mild temperatures of 10 degrees. The greyish sky that day seemed to confirm the predictions. However, the evening brought something unbelievable! The Berlin Wall was, due to the current report of the Pulitburo SED on the new travel law, literally overrun. On the border checkpoints were long queues of people – nobody could have been stopped anymore. They conquered the Wall, danced together, hugged with tears of happiness in their eyes. The city that had been divided for 28 year was finally open! GDR citizens could travel again, families reunited, and friends were able to meet again!

There was no divided country anymore – a completely new chapter of German history could start!

On the 30th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall, our apprentice Agata, invites you to an emotional tour through the past Berlin. She has collected some memories from the members of our team and presented it in both video and written form.

Claudia Johanning's memories on 1989

Yesterday I asked my mother of we still had photos from the 9th of November 1989. She said `no‘
since it hadn’t been a special day for us. Interesting because we left the GDR in July. In August we moved to Aschaffenburg form my parents had found job there and somehow Berlin was too far.
At that time we did not have a tv so about the open borders we found out when Marla, a study friend of my parents, together woth her family, suddenly stood at our door. On the 10th of November, she simply got into her car in Greiz and came to us. When I think of that day, friends of our family come to my mind. In the photo,  you can se us on the day of our departure. It was a sunny day. Our friends organised everything for us and we had to pick up our ID certifications form the ministry. Bernhard drove us while Marianne stood already in the queue so that when we arrived, we could immediately get in. That train we could not miss. In Charlottenhof park we had a farewell picnic and very probable that we cheered with a glass of Rotkäppchen sparkling wine. In the photo I look quite thoughtful and suddenly I remember one thought that then I did not dare think about – we actually could have missed the train and then I would not have to leave for good.

Do you still remember that time? We would be grateful to hear from you. Share your memories with us via email: post@berlinek.de or send us a voice message via WhatsApp: 01604759619

This kind of self-prepared videos are a wonderful idea for a project during language lessons. They can be very easily didacticized, and many interesting topics can be implied. For instance, by describing different situations students may practise the tenses forms.

How exactly videos may be used during lesson we will tell you soon in another post.


Photo contest 1

Dear Berlinek – Kids 🙂

We hope you have had a successful start of a new school year! Now we have Halloween and so as not to forget summer, we would like to invite you to our photo contest.

How does it work? Quite simply:

Send us (via email, WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook) a photo of you (if you want in a Halloween costume) with a white Berlinek backpack or with Berlinek umbrella.
Write also where you have taken the photo.

We have already received the first photo from Leela 🙂


Can you guess in which country it has been taken?

On the 6th of December 2019 we will draw, from all the received photos, three prizes.
The winners will get from us a pre-Christmas surprise from Berlin!

Important to your parents: by taking part in the contest you agree that the photo of the child may be published on our website, Instagram and Facebook.

About summer 2020: our new program Summer courses for children and teenagers has already been published. Chack it, we would be happy to see you again in our school!
For our former students prices from 2019 apply!

You can reach us here:

Contact form
Email: sommerkurse@berlinek.de
Whats App: +4915117650069

Many sunny greetings from your Berlinek-Team!


Language Café in Berlinek Wittenau

Since last week Berlinek has been inviting its courses participants to free conversation meetings.

The Language Café takes place in our branch in Wittenau, every Friday from 1:30p.m. till 2:30p.m.
It is lead by two friendly students of Humboldt University: Vanessa and Julia.

More information (in German) is to be found here:

Language Café
Ab dem Herbst 2019 bietet die Sprachschule Berlinek 1 mal die Woche Freitags Nachmittag von 13.30-14.30 Uhr ein Sprachcafé zusätzlich neben den Sprach- und Orientierungskursen an. Hier bietet sich die Möglichkeit für Kursteilnehmer*Innen unserer Sprachschule sich kommunikativ untereinander und mit den Sprachcafé- Anleiter*Innen und/oder Lernbegleiter*Innen auszutauschen. Es sollen die mündlichen Kompetenzen auf den Niveaus A2-B1 spielerisch und alltagsnah ausgebaut werden. Neben dem Ausbau der mündlichen Kompetenzen besteht auch die Möglichkeit das Leseverstehen und -kompetenzen sowie das Hörverstehen und Aussprache zu verbessern.

Das Sprachcafé bietet zudem Raum für ausführlicheres Feedback zur Lernersprache (Aussprache, Verbesserungen der Grammatik, etc.) von der anwesenden Anleitung, wofür in den Kursen aus organisatorischen Gründen oft die Zeit fehlt. Die Lernenden können an einer Auswahl an Aktivitäten selbst bestimmen, was sie in der Gruppe bewältigen wollen. Zudem lassen sich Teams von schwachen und starken bzw. anfänglichen und fortgeschrittenen Lernenden bilden, dass sich Teilnehmende gegenseitig unterstützen können und die Lernerselbstständigkeit ausgebaut werden kann.

Eine Liste an möglichen Aktivitäten ist:

• Leichte Lektüre begleitend zu Alltagsthemen auf verschiedenen Niveaus (Kurzgeschichten aus dem Klett-Verlag)

• Kurzfilme • Sprachwechselspiele und andere Kommunikative Sprachspiele

• Exkursionen im Kiez

• Hilfe bei Alltagsproblemen bzw. Anlaufstellen im Kiez

Alles in Allem soll eine zwangsfreie Atmosphäre herrschen, dass Lernende sich in ihrem Tempo an den Sprachalltag und -gebrauch gewöhnen können und sicherer fühlen ihre Kompetenzen ihrem Niveau entsprechend einzusetzen. Ebenso sollen Einzelsitzungen des Sprachcafés eine zusätzliche Inputquelle für Lernende darstellen, die den Kursteilnehmer*Innen neben ihren Kursen manchmal fehlt.


Berlinek at the open days of Katharina-Heinroth Primary School

On Saturday, September the 8th, Katharina-Heinroth Primary School opened its door to parents who are looking for a right school for their children in the next schoolyear. There were many interesting stalls run mainly by the pupils. Students of the grade 6 were showing to the guests the school around. We, as a corporation partner, were also there with our stall and were presenting to the interested parents our offer on the tutoring and subsidiary programs. Moreover, we were very happy to be welcomed so warmly by pupils who have already been attending our classes. Since the beginning of this schoolyear we have already opened more than 25 groups! More details on our tutoring and subsidiary programs are to be found here.

Last vacancies in our German courses

In the following courses that begin soon, there are still last vacancies! Look us up, we will be pleased to advise you! Contact Charlottenburg IK_HS_53 / Orientierungskurs  26.08.19-20.09.19 9.00 – 13.15 Uhr IK_HS_57.2 / A 1.2 02.09.19-27.09.19 9.00 – 13.15 Uhr IK_HS_58.1 / A 1.1 16.09.19-05.11.19 18.00 – 21.15 Uhr IK_HS_56.3 / A 2.1 19.09.19-31.10.19 18.00 – 21.15 Uhr IK_HS_59.1 / A 1.1 23.09.19-18.10.19 9.00 – 13.15 Uhr Reinickendorf / Wittenau IK_MV_Alpha_8.1 / Alphabetisierung 02.09.19-04.10.19 9.30 – 13.00 Uhr IK_MV_50.1 / A 1.1 02.09.19-27.09.19 9.00 – 13.15 Uhr  IK_MV_Alpha_6.5 26.09.19-07.11.19 14.00 – 17.15 Uhr

A new school-year has begun! We wish all students much success!

Today, in Berlin, starts a new school-year 2019-2020. We are happy to meet soon our students from two school wee cooperate with: Katharina-Heinroth-Grundschule and Robert-Jungk-Oberschule.  Applications for the free pf charge tutoring classes can be placed from now on in the scholl secretary’s offices.
More detail are to be found here.

By the way: on the 1st of August 2019 our first trainee bagan her schooling by us. A beutiful school cone couldn’t be missed!

We wish Agata much success!

Our school in Reinickendorf

Our school in Reinickendorf has a new temporary address: Wallenroder Str. 1, 13435 Berlin (only 350 metres away from our old building in Maarer Str. 48.).

Since the 15th of July 2019 (after intensive relocation last week) the office has been placed in the interim location. Consultation and registration hours stay unchanged:

Monday + Wednesday 11:00a.m. – 3:30p.m.

Tuesday + Thursday 11:00a.m. – 7:00p.m.

Our visitors and participants are going to be welcomed by pleasant, bright rooms and broad, green yard.


Wir sind stolzer Träger des LQW-Siegels

Seit dem 23.11.2018 ist Sprachenzentrum Berlinek stolzer Träger des LQW Qualitäts-Siegels.
Wir freuen uns über diese Würdigung unserer Arbeit.
LQW ist eine Lernorientierte Qualitätstestierung in der Aus-, Fort-und Weiterbildung, die die Lernenden in den Mittelpunkt stellt.

Hier kommen Sie zum Testat.

Die Sommerkurse für Kinder und Jugendliche sind gestartet

Am ersten Tag unserer alljährlichen Sommerkurse durften wir 22 Kinder aus allen Ecken der Welt bei uns begrüßen. Wir konnten alle Kinder dank interaktiver Sprachspiele und unserem attraktiven Programm „Aktivitäten in der Stadt“ davon überzeugen, dass Lernen während der Sommerferien Spaß machen kann!

Die Vorfreude auf weitere Wochen wächst bei uns von Tag zu Tag!

Für weitere Informationen bezüglich unserer Sommerkurse klicken Sie hier:
Sommerkurse für Kinder und Jugendliche

On the 3rd of Juni 2019 a new integration evening course starts in our headquarters in Charlottenburg. There are still free places available.

When you are not sure which level of German you have, you can take part in  our placement test. Our copmpetent office teaym will also answer all of your questions as well as lead you through the  proces of registration in integration course.

You can visit us without prior appointment!

HS 56 03.06.19

For more information, visit our website:

Integration courses German

Places available in integration courses – German!

Four new courses will start in our school soon!

There are still few places available.

More details to be seen below:


IK_HS_55 (morning course)      –  29.04.2019

IK_HS_56 (evening course)       – 13.05.2019


IK_MV_46 (evening course)      – 29.04.2019

IK_MV_47 (morning course)       -29.04.2019

Further information you will find under following link:
Sprachenzentrum Berlinek Integration courses

German course B2

German course B2 starts in September. There are still some places available.

In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

Course schedule in the following link:

B2_9 03.09.2018